~Cravin' Melon with the Whisperjets~
Yesterday I attended one of my favorite local events - the SeWee Association's annual Music and Oyster's for Wildlife. I went last year - and thoroughly enjoyed myself despite the rain. This year it was cool and sunny, just perfect really. Perhaps I'm biased - this event is held just a few miles north of me, out behind the SeWee Outpost, in an area that I affectionately refer to as 'LA' or Lower Awendaw. My hood. I can get there without going through a stoplight, and it's next to Hidden Ponds Nursery, a place that I've grown quite fond of.
~Musicians & Songwriters Guild of South Carolina~
Since I'm not very fond of oysters, I generally go for the cold beer (Palmetto Amber) and the music. The music is always fun - and it was nice to see a new group there, a SC non-profit organization that calls themselves the Musician & Songwriters Guild of South Carolina. I spoke to one of the Directors, Vicki Whitehead, for a bit, and it seems like a great group - nice folks that are passionate about music. According to one of their brochures, they 'sponsor music events, songwriting competitions, performance opportunities and educational clinics. Our goal is to bring recognition to local talent and enrichment to the community through collaborative efforts and events.' They're also collecting donated stringed instruments that they refurbish (if necessary) and provide to children without access to such instruments. I don't have a stringed instrument to donate - but boy, what a good cause.
The other Director of the organization, Danielle Howle, was one of the performers. (You can download some of her songs from her website, if you're not familiar with her). Through her website I learned about The Christopher Conner Foundation -- who: '...works to support musicians and their families within our local community with medical and education fund assistance. The foundation's objective is to host annual events showcasing local talent and continuously striving to assist, promote, and sponsor "up and coming" performing artists.' Something good emerging out of a lung cancer tragedy - yes, that's definitely a wonderful thing.
~Danielle Howle~
~The Whisperjets~
So another group that I heard for the first time last year is The Whisperjets. These guys are in high school - and these guys are crazy-talented.
~The Blue Dogs~
I hadn't seen The Blue Dogs in awhile - I think that some of the band members played last year, but not the whole group. How could I not like a group that names an album 'Soul Dog Food' (1993)? Anyway, they're a perennial favorite around here, and it was great seeing them again.
~Cravin' Melon~
It was nice to see Cravin' Melon playing together again - I remember hearing them when I first moved to Charleston, and I think I read that they had stopped playing together in 2001, but are playing together again now. They're good - originally from the upstate I think. Head over to their myspace page and listen to the song 'Sweet Tea'. It's about as southern a song as a song can be...'...on the eighth day God made sweet tea...' Seems that Doug Jones, lead singer has a solo album that I hadn't heard about.
~Doug Jones~
Perhaps one of the most interesting thing I learned yesterday was about Awendaw Green - whose sign I first noticed months ago just north of Hidden Ponds Nursery. It seems to be a budding local music venue - and I think I heard them say yesterday that every Wednesday night at 7ish they have performances (and food). It sounds like alot of fun.
Which brings me to the final thing that I learned. I hadn't heard about this at all, I'm ashamed to say. It seems that we have an internet all-South Carolina radio station: WeAreRadio. I've been listening to it some tonight, and it's pretty good. I think I'm going to enjoy listening - and I need to figure out how to add a link to the side bar with their logo (I know, I know - it should be easy).
So you see, you don't need to like oysters to enjoy this event - the music will carry you through the afternoon, rain or shine.
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