Me: How are you doing today Dad?
Dad: I'm doing bad.
Dad: I'm doing really bad.
Me: What's the matter - do you feel okay?
Dad: No. They're beating us.
Me: Who's beating you?
Dad: Everybody. They're beating us really bad.
Dad: We're losing everybody.
Me: Who are you losing?
Dad: Everybody. It's really bad.
Me: Sometimes people get sick and have to go to the hospital. Is that what happened?
Dad: Yeah, that might happen sometimes.
Me: Isn't it lunchtime soon?
Dad: No. There's only candy. They aren't feeding us.
Me: But it's not quite time for lunch yet, I'm sure you'll get lunch.
Dad: I just have candy. There isn't any lunch.
Me: Well maybe your day will get better, and you will have a good afternoon.
Dad: I don't think it will get better. They'll keep beating us.
Me: Dad, can I speak to your caregiver, Jesse? Will you put him on the phone?
Dad: Okay.
Me: Jesse - what is going on? I haven't heard Dad sound this stressed in a year.
Jesse [laughing]: It's okay. He's just losing really bad at Bingo.
Me: Oh.