~The Imperial Moth, Eacles imperialis~
I was in Virginia last week, at my Father's home - and on my last morning, as I was walking outside - I noticed this large brown and yellow moth near the garage door light. I haven't thought about my 'Front Door Light Moth Series' in, well, forever (or so it seems) - so I went back inside, got my camera, and took this photograph.
There is so much to say about my Father, and Virginia - and I just haven't been able to sit down yet and coherently write about it. In early April my Father broke his hip - a clean fracture that didn't require surgery (just two months at a rehabilitation center) and even with his vascular dementia he responded surprisingly well to physical therapy, and walked out of the facility with the aide of a walker. We knew it was time (he had been living in his home with 24/7 live-in care for almost three years) to relocate him to a Memory Care Facility.
I toured five places. I moved him into a place in early June, and spent the first two weeks in Virginia, helping with the transition. It was awful... and I just went back up to Virginia for another week and things were better, thankfully. But when you read that having a parent with dementia is like having a young child, then leaving a parent alone in a care facility is like leaving a young child somewhere alone - they are anxious and scared. Everything I've read is true.
So photographing a moth, hanging out under a door light, was oddly comforting.