This year things have been a bit strange in the garden - early, yes - but also a bit unpredictable. My spring-flowering magnolia 'Jane' always blooms after my star magnolia - which is often the first to brave the still-chilly weather (often when there is still a risk of freezing temperatures). But this year 'Jane' popped out first, followed by my star magnolia. To add to the strangeness: a few hydrangeas never lost their leaves, and my fall-blooming salvia, Salvia puberula "Hidalgo" is still blooming away, a bit crazily.
I missed spring in my garden last year - I was here for about six days in March but that was all. It is so nice being here again, and watching it wake up.
My 'Jane' is starting to pop, but my Star...a new addition to the alive, for now I am happy with that.
Posted by: Janet, The Queen of Seaford | 05 March 2013 at 05:50 PM
This flower is great as these blooms are beautiful pink, ranging anywhere from a fairly pale, purply pink to a vibrant fuchsia color on the outside and white on the inside. As well as the shape of the flowers is reminiscent of a tulip, but the scent is definitely, distinctly magnolia.
Posted by: Nelson | 25 March 2013 at 01:10 AM
Star Magnolias are one of the first of the flowering trees to come forth in the springtime. Well, it is looking wonderful, unfurling. Its really joyful to watch flowers unfurling!
Posted by: coriander leaf | 05 April 2013 at 05:43 AM