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29 July 2011


Janet, The Queen of Seaford

I have loved those pictures of that White Oak. Change is hard. Moving is hard. Glad you were able to go to see your friend.

Myra Sieve

Pam, I have read your blog for years and eagerly look forward to your updates. I have even planned to try to visit you in the lowcountry but have procrastinated too long. Please keep us posted on your life, you science, and your wonderful perspective on life as you enter another stage.
Sailingcvgal Wilmington, NC


Good to hear from you and I completely understand your affinity for Skip's place. There are places that feel like home and we should always embrace them. Thinking about you as you begin anew. I am a little worried about your garden alone......


Thanks Janet. The sweet thing is that when I come back from a visit in October, I'll take him my citrus in large pots (a lemon and a satsuma) and he is going to care for him in his greenhouse this winter. That feels good.

Sailingcvgal - thank you so much. Once nice thing about this position is that it is a 'Visiting Scientist' position, and I will be spending about one week every five weeks back in SC, in the Airstream and in my garden. So there will still be opportunities to meet sometime - I'd like that.

Sheran, as always, thank you. It's nice knowing that someone else (besides me!) is worried about my garden. This season I have been careful to not plant anything new (mostly just transplant stuff), and I've done alot of pruning and mulching, in preparation. The heat of August and early September will be the toughest time - and I'll have a friend nearby come by occasionally and water the more sensitive plants (which I know isn't the same as some watching over them daily). I'm sure that I'll be anxious my first visit back, in October - and I'll probably spend a few days pampering things. And... the nice thing about gardens is their resilience - I think of the old roses who have survived neglected lives in old cemeteries over the years.


30% improved vision?! What is your secret? Wow. That is wonderful.

In other news. I sold my little airstream. Sob. At least it was to a gentleman who adored her.

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