~the Airstream, with her party clothes on~
On Thursday, I was talking to someone in the office near mine - and mentioned that this weekend was the one year anniversary of my moving - no jumping - into the Airstream.
('ve been living in a 1973 Airstream for the past year.)
The person that I mentioned it to said 'Well then, there must be a party, I"ll bring wine."
So there you have it. There must be a party.
So this evening I started putting the Airstream's party clothes on - her blue LED lights, and brought out the tiki torches and I filled them with citronella lamp oil. I even got the weed whacker out and trimmed the area - mainly because a friend of mine who plans to attend always thinks she's going to get bitten by a viper while drinking a glass of wine in my yard.
Now - I'm happy, no - I'm relieved to be marking this anniversary, which is also one week shy of my one year anniversary of losing my job of 15 years.
It hasn't been an easy year. But then, the year is in the past - and it's time to move forward. And I think it's important to acknowledge that it was a difficult year and that I made it through - and I think it's also important to acknowledge that good things also happened, that there were accomplishments - and that there is a future - and the truth is, it's time for me to shed the dysfunction and difficulties of the past few years. Long past time in fact.
So - tomorrow evening, there's a party. Come if you can - hop on a plane, or in your car or bike, hell - walk if you want to. I'd love to share a toast with you under the glow of the blue Airstream lights, and perhaps we can talk about future plans, future dreams - things we want to accomplish and experience in the days and months ahead. Perhaps I'll share with you what it has been like living in 216 sq ft of space with three dogs and most of a cat - and how I've learned that we don't need much to be okay. Or perhaps we'll just gulp down our gin and tonics with the enthusiasm of people happy to be looking at a bad year in their rear view mirrors, skip the analysis crap, and just enjoy ourselves. Yes, lets do that - okay?
Let me know if you need directions.
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