~a beautiful Friday morning, live from the Airstream~
This morning is one of those that you want to capture, perhaps force into a glass bottle and screw the cap on before any of it can get back out - the kind you save for a painfully warm August afternoon. Rain last night washed the yellow sheen off of everything, and as a result the greens look fresher and the colors are, quite simply, more colorful.
So the windows in the Airstream are wide open - Stanley is asleep outside in the sun, and the Pointers (with their bowls of food) are in their kennels for a bit after an early morning spent outside. As for me, I have a 2 page synopsis of a grant proposal due on Monday (for a special review) and a 3-5 page white paper to write for later in April. There is also a student's MS thesis to edit (his defense is on 15 April), two journal manuscripts to review, and an invited talk to prepare for a regional meeting on the 17th of April. And - an invited trip to St Johns for late April/early May to plan for a seminar and to discuss collaborations.
I have to remind myself constantly that I am unemployed.
Absolutely gorgeous. Enjoy your weekend, Pam. Your photos make me strong.
Posted by: Sheran | 09 April 2010 at 03:51 PM
Pam I feel the same way about my tragic underemployment and wonder will I ever have time for a real job?
Posted by: Christopher C NC | 10 April 2010 at 07:54 AM
If you could bottle the type of day that occured after the rain, with all the spring blooms just bursting forward, you would be a millionaire!
Posted by: Janet | 11 April 2010 at 09:03 AM