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05 January 2010



Why don't you have any water in the Airstream?

I lived in a half finished cabin with no insulation through a WVa winter hauling water to bath from a creek down the hill. One night with the wood stove glowing red the ash pan in front of it was frozen solid. Yikes.

Get an electric blanket. I swear by them.


Joan, so you've actually hauled water...I'm merely walking up to my old house and filling up a bottle. :)

I don't have water because it's connected to the Airstream via a hose (above ground) from the house - and it's been frozen solid. And to keep the Airstream's pipes safe I had to drain them (I should be okay after the weekend - when the temperatures warm back up to more civilized numbers!)

I used to use an electric blanket in Michigan - loved it! I don't think I need it hear - I'm staying warm enough for the most part (might change my mind this weekend).


I think your own TV series is in order. The lack of water in this bitter cold is not good....make sure you haul enough! Hoping this weather turns soon, I am not a fan of super cold winters.

Christopher C NC

Better to haul water than trudge through the snow for water. Granted I only had to trudge twice before the miracle of open pipes occurred. If your hose is froze get an empty hose or a new hose at the walmart, hook it up and leave a trickle of water running and the hose won't freeze.

A wizened survivor would have let the water trickle before the wicked cold descended. I think it takes a few winters to get wizened.


Christopher, I had the hose with a trickle of water on the first cold night (in the mid-2os) and it froze anyway - it's just sitting along the top of the ground, from the house to the Airstream. My pipes in the house are dripping, and those are just fine.

(I'm definitely kind of joking about the hauling water thing - I AM 'hauling' water, but somehow getting it from my other house next door is kinda funny to me).


Ouch, it does sound cold there. At least you've company. Animals seem to adapt faster than humans to the cold. What is it with the southern US? It seems as if frost is a common complaint. Hope it warms up soon ~ you could do a Survivor show ~ it would be fun to watch.


I just saw a blurb on the morning news about iguanas dropping out of the trees in Florida from the cold.

Wrap those dogs around you and know that it will soon be over for you.

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