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03 January 2010



I have been thinking of you and wondering how warm your airstream may be. Glad you got a space heater...a ceramic one?? (safer)
We have ice all the way across the creek this morning and everything is very crunchy under foot.
Good luck with your grants. Keeping my fingers crossed for you in the new year.

Christopher C NC

Pam somehow I think your Airstream and the resident gardeners house are like tourists who were packed for and headed to the Caribbean, got on the wrong plane and ended up in Minnesota.

Right now I am afraid to turn the heat down when I leave the house because it might not come back on if I touch the thermostat. Miracle of miracles the water has returned and it sure didn't get above 20 today. I think the jolt when I turned the pump on must have dislodged the ice blockage. Now I have a faucet dripping a bit to keep it moving.

Susan Tomlinson

Fingers crossed for the paycheck.

Kay Wade

Nice wabi-sabi photos.
I live in an Airstream, too. I'm happy to report that mine has far exceeded my expectations as to winter coziness. So far our low has been 26, inside low w/ one small space heater was 51. Not bad, considering we have a kick-ass furnace to warm things up in the morning!
Good luck on the grant.


Janet, the heater I keep on at night is pretty safe (although not a ceramic one) - plus, I keep it on the stainless steel stovetop cover - so it's a good surface, and away from dog tail's, etc. And thanks for the new years wishes - they are much appreciated!

Christopher, I agree. I'm dreaming of a gin and tonic around a nice fire outside (my definition of a harsh winter) - not 'this'. You can't turn your heat down, and I'm afraid to leave my own when I leave - because they are just little space heaters and not the safest things. I'm glad that you have water - I'm hoping that after this weekend that I'll be able to reconnect to the house's garden hose...

Susan, thanks (and cross your toes too, heck, cross anything that can be crossed).

Kay, how nice to have you stop by - welcome to a fellow Airstream dweller! I am a novice, but have been in mine for five months now - as I transition between jobs, potentially a new home or a move (or some combination of these things...). I haven't dealt with propane yet, which is stupid - and need to for hot water. Next week...I keep telling myself next week.

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