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27 December 2009



Hi Pam, thanks for the plug! The book is wonderful!! If asked what I want for my birthday this is what I am going to tell my family. (birthday is coming up pretty quickly!)
Thanks for sharing this wonderful tree, the image of it in the snow is really great.


Oh, oh! I just got a program that pans the pictures like that. Let's do "Trees of the Lowcountry". That is lovely.


I love seeing the bones this time of year! Great tree.......


I got the book this summer for my birthday. We were in the middle of our return trip from Colorado and were staying in the very depresssed and depressing Independence Mo. I had resolved that I would be lucky if the day was merely mediocre, until I unwrapped that book.

I was saddend to read about your dad's Christmas day. This is such a hard road to travel, we went through it with my grandmother. Enjoy the good minutes when you can and try not to dwell on the bad.

FYI, It was good seeing your snow pictures.


Thank you for that slide show. It was a beautiful way to start the morning, coffee in hand.


Janet, I was thrilled to see this youtube video on your site - I hadn't seen it before. And isn't the white oak just beautiful? I'm so glad folks fought to protect it.

Compost, it's a pretty one, that's for sure. We should do a trees of the lowcountry!

Layanee, what a perfect thing to look at first thing in the morning! Glad you enjoyed it.


Joan - it would be fun to do one for the lowcountry - I don't think such a thing exists!

jodi (bloomingwriter)

I thought I had seen that tree before, Pam! Good to see it continuing to stand and thrive. Also good that the highway drive wasn't too bad. With all the weird weather, I wondered how you'd fare on your way home again.

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