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04 October 2009



Don't think I will ever think of 'Red Roses for a Blue Lady' quite the same again. wow


What would be a walk in the garden without the fragrance of those antique roses on the air. Feiicia is my favorite for its powder puff scent. So much poetry about this flower. Thanks.


my roses are all repeating now too! I love them!

Blackswampgirl Kim

Such different moods those poems--and roses--evoke. Nice collage of both, Pam. :)


Janet, yeah - that was quite a poem, wasn't it? Difficult to read.

I so agree Jenny - Felicia is one that I haven't grown (nor sniffed) - it sounds wonderful!

Kate, very cool. I always look forward to roses in the fall.

Kim, thank you. It was fun to find some of the less 'traditional' rose poems out there.

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