“Being Headless in the Post-Cranial Era”
An Invited Seminar by
a seminar by
Dr. M. Vesicles
Head of the
Institute for the Promotion of Hideous Headless Research
Fort Johnson Campus, Charleston, South Carolina
At first, it was like any other HML seminar (except perhaps a bit better attended)...there were people with questions every few seconds, the token sleepyhead, the token airhead, others sitting back, taking it all in - there was even a pathetic cry for attention due to some unresolved 'mommy' issues....
There were annoying interruptions by headstrong members of the community (now, who is s/he really talking her/his head off to??)...and of course that stereotypic dopehead blatantly reading a silly romance novel titled 'Love in the Magnolia Garden Greenheaded Coneflowers'...
...and the usual finger-pointing by the omnipresent front row chuckleheads!!!
A heady Dr. Vesicles discussed several controversial trends in her data...sending shivers down the backs of the audience. raising the frightening question:
Will there ever be a headless recovery???
There were moments when Dr. Vesicles was riveting, leaving the audience on the edge of their seats...their hands clutched to their foreheads together...
...and moments when her words were met with outbursts of pure hardheaded disdain!
No one could ignore the ocassional be-heading, uuhh...choking,..the zombiesque lapses in appendage control...
And of course there is always a bonehead in the crowd, raising his long-ago-severed head just so he could see it...while another shows complete disrespect, with their hands behind their head former head and feet propped up on the table in front of them.
At one point, Dr. Vesicles stops discussing trends in her data, and briefly reviews the history of headlessness in the Headless Marine Laboratory, recalling the reluctant members in '06 (rarely venturing out of the lab), the growing bullheadness in '07 (as evidenced by the restlessness at the lab's door, while growing increasingly anxious to escape the lab's confines and spread the word), and finally their growing numbers, proudly documented in this '08 archived image.
But the end of the seminar looms, and the audience quickly grows eager (well, at least some of them do...) as they anticipate Dr. Vesicles always illuminating concluding remarks...
"You really can get a head in a headless laboratory
without while losing your own head!"
A Happiest of Halloweens from the Headless Among us!
What fun!
Posted by: Les | 31 October 2009 at 07:58 AM
The best yet!!
Posted by: Allison Milantoni | 31 October 2009 at 09:05 AM
Awesome, Pam! :)
Posted by: Blackswampgirl Kim | 31 October 2009 at 03:53 PM
that is hysterical!!!
Posted by: Janet | 31 October 2009 at 04:24 PM
Better every year, Pam!
Posted by: Pam/Digging | 01 November 2009 at 08:57 AM