~moss on a clay pot, in grayscale~
You've had those days, those funky-wish-it-would-rain all day days, when your battery on the cell goes low and you let it die for awhile, because your mood is even boring to yourself so why would you want to bore someone else? One of those moods where you feel the opposite of 'light' and would hate to have your mood infect an otherwise beautiful late September day. What ashame that would be! So instead of washing your hands a million times (for fear of transferring this mood to others) you choose not to attend a festive gathering that included a pinata and a trip to watch a roller derby match (are they called matches? does anyone know this?).
The Microbial Lab's Poet Laureate emailed me that a line in the play she saw last night - 'A Year of Magical Thinking' - reminded her of me: "getting nibbled to death by ducks" and I thought 'Wow! She's right' and then... 'How horrible is that?' My dysfunctional work situation is now beyond bizarre and if I could explain it to you I would - but then I'd bore you...and there's no point in that tonight. Luckily a few others have decided to carry the torch for awhile - and with much gratitude I will let them. I'm exhausted and crave quiet and happy dogs and a growing vegetable garden and no storms out in the Atlantic. I want to sit and listen to Bebel Gilberto sing - a voice that a good friend recommended to me earlier today and by God he's right, she's good - really good. So instead of infecting you with my boring nonsense, I'll share a bit of Gilberto with you.
I heard somewhere that fresh home grown vegetables and a small pack of dogs can protect you from duck nibbles.
Posted by: Les | 21 September 2009 at 06:50 AM
nibbled to death by ducks...wow. Letting the little s*** get to you. Les is right, go pet a puppy dog!
Interesting singer. Makes me want to get up and move- shake the shoulders and move in rhythm of the music.
Posted by: Janet | 21 September 2009 at 09:17 AM
Ooooh I know this mood...when I can't stand to bea around myself!
Oh, and they are Roller derby bouts!
Posted by: Ginger Ale | 21 September 2009 at 05:03 PM
Posted by: Susan Tomlinson | 21 September 2009 at 08:03 PM
Les, if only I could take the dogs to work!
Janet, unfortunately the 'nibbles' aren't about the little things...I wish they were - those I could ignore. I suppose these nibbles are a bit bigger than the phrase suggests!
Ginger Ale (what a name! there's a story behind that I suppose?) - it's a rotten kinda mood, isn't it?
Thanks Susan. Hugs help.
Posted by: Pam | 21 September 2009 at 11:55 PM