~summer's zinnia, basking in the winter sun~
When I took the dogs out this morning, it was 9 degrees. (That's more than 70 degrees less than it was last week in Charleston.)
I'm in Virginia with my Father, with two of the dogs in tow.
Christmas without Mom is strange. It's as if any moment now, she'll run into the kitchen- to get something out of the oven. My Father seems confused in her absence, as if his Director is gone, the person who told him where to stand and what to wear. Today he wrapped a present for the first time in his 75 years. He wasn't sure what to get a few people, and I suggested sasanquas, and fortunately there were three lovely white ones at a nursery about 15 minutes away.
Life is about change - isn't that what they say?
Right now it seems like life is about muddling through.
Happy Christmas Eve Eve.
Yes life is about change, although sometimes I wish things could stay the same. It's hard when time marches on because sometimes people die or friendships fall away, but I've learned there's also joys. New relationships and new grandchildren.
Posted by: Geri | 24 December 2008 at 12:23 AM
It is strange, that's a good way to put it, when holidays come around and a loved one is no longer physically there. But she'll be in your hearts and minds no doubt as you observe Christmas with your father and other family members.
Posted by: Carol, May Dreams Gardens | 24 December 2008 at 11:13 AM
My heart goes out to you.
Posted by: MNGarden | 24 December 2008 at 11:24 AM
You and your family are in my thoughts this Christmas, Pam. Peace to you all.
Posted by: Pam/Digging (Austin) | 24 December 2008 at 05:34 PM
I understand. Hope you find some smiles from the memories of past holidays.
Posted by: Layanee | 27 December 2008 at 08:18 PM
Geri, thanks for your kind comment. We did quite well in our 'muddling', I'm proud to say - and may have started a new tradition too. That was sure nice.
Carol, yes - 'strange' covered it. Things were just off, not quite right - like a parallel universe. I did realize how important it was for me to spend time with her brother and sisters (my uncle and aunts), as well as one of Mom's good friends. That felt good to me.
MNGarden,thank you. I hope that you had a nice holiday.
Pam/Digging, thank you so much - I hope that you and your family had a nice Christmas in your new home. That was probably fun!
Layanee, I'm guessing that you do for sure. We did pretty well overall, and I think my Father was proud of how we both honored old traditions and perhaps started a new one. We made it through okay! I hope that you had a nice holiday too.
Posted by: Pam | 28 December 2008 at 09:13 PM