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27 August 2008



What a fantastic opportunity and adventure. You were right to dive at the Great Barrier Reef, despite your fear. When an opportunity of that nature knocks, you throw the door open!


Wow... amazing. Both the images and the poetry.

I think that you were brave to do a dive like that, persuaded while you were already on a boat. Even if you don't feel that you were, quite.


By the way, thanks to you and this post I finally succumbed to purchasing a compilation of Pablo Neruda poems this evening. (Five Decades: Poems 1925-1970.) And I couldn't resist picking up a translation of some of Ranier Maria Rilke poems, too, while I was in the poetry section. (The Selected Poetry of... edited and translated by Stephen Mitchell.)



Pam/Digging: Yep, it was an opportunity. I'm still thrilled that I did it!

Kim, one can never go around with Nerdua. Or Rilke. But Neruda - his 'Odes to Things', his love sonnets - his poems about the sea (they're almost all about the sea) - they bring me to my knees. I hope you enjoy them.


Sometimes part of our brains say "no, I don't think so", while another says "Yes, there is no way I am going to miss this". I am glad you said yes. What an opportunity! Don't worry about the grass or the meetings, you need time to process your experiences and a glass of wine will help.


Les, yes - I am so glad I didn't miss that opportunity! It was quite a trip for sure (and hey, I've got Australian wine to drink).


I was diving in Cairns the week you all were there. I saw gaggles of you all walking up and down the Esplanade. The diving that week was a little less than 100% spectacular because of the less than perfect weather, but I'm with you.. I can't believe I was diving on the Great Barrier Reef. Up on Ribbon Reef 10, the corals were in great shape, however, as we got closer to civilization (Norman Reef), there was a ton of damage (some from careless divers, and some from environmental factors). It is a shame that so much of the reef is damaged. Next time you are there, go North, see the beauty that is up there.



Little Mike: Yeah, it was amazing. I still sometimes just sit and try to remember it all - they said the clarity wasn't so good (the water was choppy) - but it was still amazing. Sounds like you guys did alot of diving at different places - I kept looking for signs of coral disease, but only saw a little bit (we're studying an organism that has been proposed to be he causative agent of white syndrome at GBR).


"the images that I captured with a little disposable underwater camera don't come close to doing them justice. "

Ughh, yeah, they can be a pain. You got some good shots though, I've come out with vast swaths of blackness before that weren't even identifiable. I did find this site http://disposableunderwatercamera.org before my last trip which really helped.

Thanks for the article and pics, good stuff.

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