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18 November 2007


Christopher C NC

Start with the site plan, the layout of the house on the site, the driveway and any other hard structures, decks, walkways, sheds ect. Then put on the layout of the planted beds and grass areas. Add in the major trees. Fill in the planting beds with the old and new plants. Label them and your done.

anna maria

Oh my gosh, it's exhausting just to think about it. Good luck!


I know that I wouldn't have that much energy! You, however, have more than most! Good luck with the points!


Better you than me... I like to have very loose plan, and nothing to which I am bound for points or any other reason. You, however, are organized enough to complete grant applications and conduct regular laboratory experiments... so I'm sure you'll be fine. :)


Christopher C: I just am not sure that I ever had a plan, at least one that would go down on paper. Fortunately, the architect that I am working with (who is extremely nice) will transcribe what I draw onto one of the surveys. I still have a few questions for the LEED folks though, primarily based on invasives - if I have to remove a few of my chinese tallows (along the tidal creek) I'll be really bummed.

Anna Maria and Layanee: I'm overwhelmed most days - and when I'm not, I'm just in denial.

Kim: It's just a plan for LEED, and it isn't focused on specific plants (with respect to the smaller stuff - shrubs, perennials, etc) - one also isn't tied to it necessarily - I don't at all feel like it's an absolute kinda thing - a big part of it is about management of the land - stormwater, erosion, less turf more mulch/plants, etc. As for me being organized...yeah, right.

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