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10 November 2007



Go outside and play with your new chain saw but only if you have someone to play with. Solo chain sawing could be dangerous. Be careful! Then go get a pair of those flannel pajamas.

John B.

I'm glad you like them. I saw them and I said, "I sure hope Pam doesn't already have some." Too much of a good thing and all that.

I also happen to agree that the Airstream could use a pink flamingo or three.


Carol: Too late, I'm taking a break now from an hour of chainsawing (can it be a verb?) - I promise that it is a tiny chainsaw (battery powered with an 8" blade) and that I'll be careful.

John B.: Well, personally, if I start wearing Airstream pagamas while living in an Airstream - I hope that a good friend throws an intervention. Ya know? It could get a little (alot) freakish. The pink flamingos work though - and won't it be tempting to put a blow up snowman on the top over the holidays? (And here, before this morning, I was just worried about the sewer and water and electric hookups!).

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