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31 August 2007



Wow. I think I need to go out and see who's been visiting mine as I ignorantly ignore them! (These are garlic chives, right? I have both and get them confused but I think that the onion-flavored common ones flower pink in the spring.)

Annie in Austin

What happens if you have the mojito right before you pack?

Hope the weekend goes well, Pam!


M Sinclair Stevens (Texas)

Lovely! My chinese chives have many bees on them and some small butterflies but I find it very difficult to get a good photograph of them.


Kim: Yeah - they're garlic chives. Do go check on yours - I didn't get images of over half of the visitors - it was pretty spectacular (in that insects hanging out with chives kinda way).

Annie: I don't think it could hurt. Ugh. I hate packing. I always starting off packing really carefully and methodically - and I give it up and chaos ensues!

MSS: Thanks - I had alot of insects flying around that didn't cooperate too - but alot of them were obviously more interested in those flowers than in me. Aren't chinese chives and garlic chives the same thing? That's what I was thinking, but I don't know that for sure.


Terrific photos! I've finally taken the time to notice the bugs in the garden -- it's like an airport out there during the day -- and I've noticed some bees actually attacking others on certain flowers.

At some point I'll have to get a field guide and start identifying things.

M Sinclair Stevens (Texas)

Yes Chinese chives and garlic chives are the same thing, Allium tuberosum. You inspired me to go shoot some photos of my own and I posted them yesterday.


Firefly: Thanks, and welcome! That's a good description - 'an airport' - that's what my garden seems like right now. My intentions regarding field guides start off good, but then I just quit and try to enjoy what's around.

MSS: How fun - your images were great (and so different) - thanks for the heads up regarding them.

Annie in Austin

Pam, I put a photo of an insect on my garlic chives on "Annie's Addendum". I decided I needed a place less for posts, than for responding to other bloggers' posts and this is it.




Thanks Annie, I went and took a look - fluorescent green, loved it!

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