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27 August 2007



When you say you have had a busy day, you really mean that You Have Had a Busy Day! And such important business also. I always try to put my job in perspective with the phrase "It's not as important as sending food to starving children" but I don't think you could say that.

John B.

I hear you.

Re the question you asked me over at my place: will you be letting your students know about your blog? I of course have no idea what your students' impression of you is, and your sense of the extent to which you want to maintain a boundary between your academic and private selves is, of course, your business and not mine, but this place you've created is such a comfortable space that I think those who visit* would be glad to know of it.

*In my own case, some few of my students have ever visited my blog, and of them, I know of only one former student who continues to visit. I suspect most of mine are, at best, indifferent to my blog, but I've had no trouble arise from any quarter by letting people at school know of it.

Best of luck to you this new semester.


Layanee: Yeah, I'm not sure that this busy is a good busy, ya know?

John B: I didn't tell my students (graduate students in my lab) about this site for a long, long time and then one day it slipped. I rarely, if ever, talk about it. Last summer an undergraduate found it, by accident, and I think she read it for awhile. Generally, I probably bore them. I think they check in from time-to-time, probably to make sure I'm not complaining about them or posting silly pics of them - but they're cool overall.

Now, with regard to colleagues - I'm really reluctant. I find myself rarely writing about science because it becomes so readily searchable, and I know that we I do write about science, I usually speak in broad generalities. Honestly? I don't think many of my colleagues would like kindly on this. They're pretty uptight and narrow.

Best of luck to you this semester too. Oh, I managed to remember to go to my class. It always takes me awhile to get it back into my schedule.

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