So. There are Airstream Party lights available.
Jeff thinks that I need to register somewhere (like the Airstream Store). That made me laugh throughout the evening (until I had just finished cleaning out a few rows of climbing sweet peas in order to plant Kentucky Wonder pole beans - and a 2' snake came wiggling out of the soil in the darkness). I can see my Mother's face now: her only daughter is registering at the on-line Airstream Store, and she's included on her 'list' an Airstream Cocktail Shaker.
There is Airstream apparel.
There are Airstream Christmas Cards and Airstream Needlepoint Pillows. This is almost too much.
I've gotta write now. Really, I do. There's much writing to be done.
I recently heard/read somewhere (was it here?) that the Airstream is so iconic for Americans in part because of its resemblance to Conestoga wagons. I know this wasn't the case, but the Airstream looks as though Brancusi had reimagined the Conestoga.
All this leads me to wonder how a Conestoga Cocktail Shaker would have gone over had it been sitting on sutler shelves in Independence and St. Joseph back in the day.
Posted by: John B. | 26 July 2007 at 08:13 AM
Oh yeah. Elly has those party lights. They're pretty cool. I forgot to mention when you were choosing flatware that she also has Airsteam plates. I think she passed on the Airstream panties, but I'm sure they sell those, too.
Posted by: Ellis Hollow | 26 July 2007 at 08:28 PM
I have those lights as well ...scary, huh? :)
Posted by: Joan | 29 July 2007 at 01:10 AM
John B: I've read somewhere about the link to the Conestoga wagons - which is oddly not comforting when I think of living in one!
EH: Well, maybe you need to get her those panties as a gift sometime - say, when she's done with the renovating! The lights are hilarious - I might have to break down and get them. Plates? I haven't heard about plates yet!
Joan: I would have guessed!
Posted by: Pam | 30 July 2007 at 08:00 AM
shameless plug...but you might enjoy my trailer paintings. :)
have a good weekend.
Posted by: stephanie | 02 August 2007 at 10:00 PM
Stephanie: I'm glad you stopped by with your shameless plug - fun, Airstream paintings - perfect!
Posted by: Pam | 06 August 2007 at 11:29 PM