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24 July 2007



That is one great bud! This buds for you! LOL The symmetry is amazing isn't it. Did you cook on that stove tonight?

The County Clerk

I love Zinnias. I didn't get many in this year (too focused upon establishing the garden). Next year there will be Zinnias. There is a variety that is "pale chartruese" (if there is such a thing). They don't perform very well but I love to sow the seeds in small containers where I can watch them "break out" - because (I suppose) due to the intense selection for color there is a very high incidence of what is (I suppose) a mutation where there are THREE embryonic cotyledon leafs (there should only be two). Tricots! The first time I saw this, I measured and photographed and thought it something spectacular and rare. Several seed packs later I realized it is quite common.

But they don't perform well. I love the giants. Good for you!

Butterflies love Zinnias.

I wonder if it is too late for zinnia up here? Maybe I'll start some.

As for the technical difficulties: I'm curious as to whether these kinds of things are "common" difficulties. Is this just a normal (if frusterating) part of practical science or are you experiencing frusteration because this is anomalous?

As for the spiders, I agree that they are hard working. But remember... this is a classic example of working smart. A little effort on the web this morning and then the rest of the day can be spent napping, awaiting dinner to be delivered. Room service.

Spiders provoke an irrational reaction from me. A negative reaction. But I am usually happy to see them in the garden.

As for the writing... you a bunch of to do (as you report). This sounds strange but... do have a pair of "writing pants?" I have a particular pair of pants that feels good. When I have pages to put out, I put them on and settle in. Maybe it won't be pants for you. Also... do you have a good chair? (Am I sounding COMPLETELY crazy?) Oh... also, when I have pages to put out, I typically listen to music in another language... preferably a langauge of which I know ZERO words. (So I don't get distracted.) There are some good Russian songs out there.


Layanee: Zinnias are incredibly photogenic. There's a crispness to them - I found them fascinating up-close. No - I haven't cooked in the kitchen yet. Trust me when I say that I'm cooking in my house's kitchen for as long as I possibly can.

CC: I wasn't aware of the whole 'tricots' thing - although it sounds specific to that specific color. Do you still have the pics? I'd still plant a few zinnias if I were you, and as for frustrating days in the laboratory, it does seem like things go wrong all at once - but fortunately today some troubleshooting made progress and we are digging ourselves out of the frustration (but it probably, in all honesty, isn't all that unusual). It's snakes for me. Tonight I was planting Kentucky Wonder pole beans and a small 2' snake went wiggling out of where I was working - it was just dark and boy that sent me inside for the evening. I got the ground worked up, but I didn't get the seeds planted. Hmmmm...no, I don't have any writing pants. So I'll think about that. As for my chair, I oddly like a very simple oak chair (straight back, no arms). I'm not sure why - it's like a simple school chair. Suggestions regarding good Russian songs would always be welcomed! I do listen to music when I write.

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