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19 April 2007



Ah, the healing power of gardening.
The flowers are lovely--and looking at them is restorative, after all the horror of the VA Tech tragedy.

Christopher C in Hawaii

Reaching out is a difficult thing, a fine line to walk between caring and concern and butting in. Often help can be outright rejected because the person in pain just isn't thinking right. They may view your actions and suggestions as interference with their rights to their own choices.

The best we can do most times is be open and aware enough to help when someone reaches out to us.

I look at your flower closeups and I am already wanting to upgrade to a new and better camera. Are you using a tripod to steady the camera?

You can get very close and look at these flowers in intimate detail and so much still remains a mystery, just like the thoughts in other people's minds.


Fear of being rejected can prevent reaching out to someone who needs it. I think that it is a responsibility to not only ask for help but to give it or at least offer it. I wonder how many people we have passed by in our busy lives who really need a word of encouragement and even some validation that they are really alive. It's the only thing that we truly can offer someone who is so desolate and lonely.


KGMom: Thank you. What a week it has been - it still seems so unreal.

CC in Hawaii: I agree, it isn't always so easy. And I don't think that it always possible. My University finally sent out an appalling message (the joy of working with a gazillion MDs) - and said that his faculty were trained in dealing with stress in students (huh? training? did I miss that day?) and that his screening during the application process was so finely tuned that we only accepted 'mentally healthy' and 'well-adjusted' students. Geez. The arrogance and naiveness in those statements floored me. Nope, no tripod, and I've yet to read my camera's manual (which is not necessarily something that I am proud of). I just have a decent hand and a Nikon Coolpix 8700 with a nice macro lens (although I desperately want to upgrade to a D80 but think I'll build a house instead).

Syd: I really agree. We need to be much more compassionate in our daily lives, and we get so busy with silly things that we forget. I've been so upset this week about my own universities response to the trajedy - the arrogance in the response (above) because it completely ignores the possibility that someone might be hurting who received that email. His email that went out to everyone basically would make someone having trouble feel more invisible than they already do. It was inexcusable and I wish I had tenure already.

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