Although I could go on (and on) about our need for rain, I must also say that we're having a beautiful spring. This morning, for instance, is perfect - there's a cool breeze and there's blue sky and the roses are blooming away and the mock orange is blooming away and the sugarsnap peas are blooming away and there are three bluebird babies in the purple martin house and the Ancient Wonder Beagle is sleeping peacefully and the cat is at the window where she can watch the bird feeder and...boy do I want to stay home. I've got alot of work to do though - but I think that if I ever have a say in matters of this sort, that I'd have an official spring holiday that is tied to something in bloom. Today I could call up the lab and say 'Guys, I'm not making it in today. The Cl. Cecile Brunner is in full bloom and I'm going to look at it all day.' Hmmmm. Wait. I do that already. Just not today, but maybe tomorrow?
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Sounds like a fine reason to miss work to me. Wish someone would hurry up and invent the internet smell button...
Posted by: Marie | 25 April 2007 at 08:39 AM
What beautiful roses.
This should be an offical holiday!
Posted by: Vera | 25 April 2007 at 10:42 AM
That does sound like a worthy holiday. We have the same conditions as you, it seems: gorgeous spring with lots of roses, but we really need some rain to pull us out of a long-term drought. Here's to rain dances!
Posted by: Pam/Digging | 25 April 2007 at 12:44 PM
Marie: I've thought that too - boy, can you imagine scratch-n-sniff blogs? (Hmmm...that almost sounds creepy).
Vera and Pam: Please feel totally free to celebrate this holiday with me!
Posted by: Pam | 25 April 2007 at 09:33 PM
That would be a good holiday, I'm all for it.
Posted by: Carol | 25 April 2007 at 10:21 PM
Since my roses won't be in bloom for a month or more, I am going to celebrate with you (a day off) and then you can celebrate when mine are in bloom! We could stagger this celebration over a couple of months! Yeah!
Posted by: Layanee | 26 April 2007 at 09:13 AM
Carol and Layanee: Please join in. I wouldn't want to keep this new holiday to myself.
Posted by: Pam | 26 April 2007 at 08:47 PM
Sounds like a great idea. The last two weeks have been fantastic not only for my roses but for roses all over Austin. We've had unusually lovely weather this April with a lot of rain at the beginning of the month and temperatures only in the 70s the last two weeks. We're about to kick into normal early summer weather now but it was a lovely ride while it lasted.
Posted by: M Sinclair Stevens (Texas) | 29 April 2007 at 09:42 PM
MSS: My roses have been wonderful too this season - I'm in the process of moving several of them to sunnier locations (a few trees grew much faster than I anticipated!) but I'm waiting until their first flush of blooms slows down. There are about 30 antique roses in my side yard (the sunny side) and sometimes I just sit inside of all of them, in the early spring, simply amazed at their fragrance. I hope that you are able to continue enjoying yours for awhile yet.
Posted by: Pam | 30 April 2007 at 06:01 PM