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06 March 2007



Good rant, Pam. I think most anyone would understand if that wasn't the end of it.


Amen. Amen. I've felt the same but you've said it better.


Oh, Pam, I am sooooo with you. Cancer sucks!


It's all so scary. I have a friend whos boss has a reare really aggressive cancer, and it's been very difficult.


Someday you'll know why the word " hey they just dont get IT". For the one's that do get IT! Say IT! Fight IT! CURE IT!!!


Thanks you guys - we had a bit of hopeful news tonight, and yes - fight it we shall.


Hi Pam,

I know exactly what you mean, I had Testicular Cancer last year, but take heart from the fact that he does know every single joke (we all do - and we even make them up on Cancer wards!!), nobody will be able to offend him!

And yes, it will creep back into his brain - the dreaded "C" word, but at least he's in safe hands and knows what it is - think about the thousands who may not even know they have it - I was lucky and caught it early - went stage 2 and lived to tell the tale - others aren't so lucky!


Hi T-C.co.uk: What an informative and useful site that you have! I read through a post tonight, and although our family is faced with another type of cancer, the relevance is there. Thanks for stopping by - and I'm glad to hear that you are doing well. Do take care of yourself.


I found your post by googling the words, "i hate lung cancer." i lost my precious husband in may of 2006 to the horrible dx. He was asymtomatic when he was dx'd in Nov of 2005. it was found at stage 4. Grief is not linear as i miss him just as much as the day he passed. Thank you for posting my exact thoughts. Warmly, Stardo


Hi Stardo, I'm sorry that you found me via googling such a difficult phrase - but I'm slowly beginning to understand some of what you went through. My Mom is stage IIIB - a controversial stage with respect to treatment (and it's generally treated like a stage IV diagnosis). I'm so sorry for your loss, and I'm sorry that this disease is even out there, and that we have to confront it. Hang in there. Pam

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