From noon until 3:30 pm tomorrow, if you're just hanging around a computer and want something to listen to - perhaps check out the 2010 Imperative Global Teach-In - it looks interesting to me, and although I have meetings for much of tomorrow afternoon, I might get the lab to listen while they're hanging out (I mean working) in the lab. The 'Teach-In's" mission:
To successfully impact global warming and world resource depletion, it is imperative that ecological literacy become a central tenet of design education. Yet today, the interdependent relationship between ecology and design is virtually absent in many professional curricula. To meet the immediate and future challenges facing our professions, a major transformation of the academic design community must begin today.
It's a live webcast by Architecture 2030 - and is hosted by the New York Academy of Sciences. It's an opportunity to hear James Hansen speak - you know the guy, the Nasa Scientist that keeps saying that "We have a very brief window of opportunity'. Log on to the webcast here. Oh - and take a look at The Week in Carbon...
And The Other Voice in Nice Mike's Head - I'll try and remember to get those links on ocean sequestration of carbon from my office tomorrow - I have a couple of good ones.