I love October. It's definitely my favorite month of the year - even though this one has started off with too much work, a failed grant submission (much less review!), and a 24-hr sinus headache that makes me wonder how people with migraines make it through. But October for me starts the ' Month of Birthday' - an oddly humorous, annoying, exhausting period that a fellow Scorpio friend of mine started - birthday exploitation you say? For sure.
At some point, to kick off the month, there are usually beers at DunLeavy's, coupled to about ten baskets of popcorn (what is it about their popcorn?). But this year, I think the month is being officially kicked off by the October French Quarter Gallery Art Association Artwalk, this Friday (6 October). I won't be walking much - but instead will be standing and asking "Would you like red or white?", drinking a bunch of red myself, and pigging out on Jeff's pimento cheese dip with the ginger crackers (addictive!). So this Friday evening I'll be bartending at Lime Blue on Queen Street, enjoying the cool evening and being downtown - and enjoying the art. Jeff will be showing a few folks work that I haven't seen before, so I'm looking forward to seeing something new. Come, visit, try the pimento cheese dip, and take a look around. It's a fun place.
So to continue on in the traditional way for the Month of Birthday, I next get to look forward to helping Pete out (of Pete's Herbs) at the Charleston Garden Festival at Middleton Place. This year's theme is 'Fantasy in the Garden: Gardening with Wit and Wisdom' - and the festival is being held on the 19th-22nd of October. On the last Sunday of the show (22 October), you'll find Jeff and I helping Pete out, and basically running around like plant geeks ourselves whenever we get the opportunity. Plus, Jeff will be showing some of his work at Pete's booth as well - and rumors are that Pete will have twice the space of last year (and as you know, the folks at Pete's are my favorite plant pushers). It's a really nice event - a bit more expensive to attend than when it was downtown and a bit further out, but you get the added benefit of a gorgeous location, so it breaks even I think. Last year, I bought this gorgeous 'Nora Barlow' columbine there from the booth of the Thomas Jefferson Center for Historic Plants. It's a dangerous place for a person like me.
Now, just before the Month of Birthday ends, but before my beloved Halloween and my own birthday, there's going to be a wonderful event out at Pete's Herbs. On Sunday, October 29th in the late afternoon/early evening, there's going to be an Art Opening/Plant extravaganza (more details to come). If you've never been out to Pete's (instructions out to the farm can be found here), or even if you have (and you love it like I do) - this is definitely a time to come and take a look. There will be two featured Artists: Matt Overend and Jeff Kopish (of Lime Blue). I've gushed about Matt's work before (his use of color is just amazing) and if you walked into my garden you would see Jeff's work everywhere (and my mother's garden as well). I can't tell you how excited I am about seeing these two artists together out at one of my favorite places in the world.
And then...then, there's Halloween. By then, I'm pretty exhausted by the Month of Birthday. But Halloween requires it's own special posts...so stayed tuned for The Thirteen Days of Halloween...
I'm thinking I like this "Month of Birthday" idea.
Also, love your idea for the 13 Days of Halloween. I may use the "song" as an intro for big Halloween posts.
Posted by: Cat | 04 October 2006 at 10:36 AM
Thanks for passing on the news about the Chas Garden Festival.
Posted by: Vera | 04 October 2006 at 01:10 PM
Cat: Yeah, I have several friends who have birthdays this time of year, and it's become pretty funny, like there's always a birthday-related activity going on. My birthday is the end of the "Month of Birthday" and by then all I want to do is stay home - I'm generally exhausted by then. (Oh - Happy Birthday to you!). I think you came up with the 13 days, I was thinking 12! Thirteen days is much much better. I was thinking about starting 13 days before Halloween, and posting one of something, then two of something, etc for the rest of the month....if I can keep up with it! It'd be fun if we both did it.
Vera: I figured that Patrick would enjoy it, since you said he liked Pete's - also, try to come for the thing on the 29th out at Pete's Herb Farm - it should be a really nice afternoon/evening (I think it'll go from 2-8 pm).
Posted by: Pam | 04 October 2006 at 07:00 PM