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26 September 2006



Thanks Pam! I'd completely forgotten about tea olives. I now have one adorning the back porch steps, awaiting planting.


JanetLee: Get that tea olive planted! They're just so wonderful.

Annie in Austin

Is this also called Sweet Olive?? I can't find the tag anymore, but think that's how it was sold to me. I grew it in a pot for a few years, then planted it near the patio. Mine doesn't start blooming this early in the year, but makes lovely fragrant flowers from Thanksgiving off-and-on through early spring.



Yes - I think sweet olive is another name for the same shrub/tree. In this part of the world, I generally hear tea olive - perhaps sweet olive is a Texas thing. Mine blooms from now until sometime in the spring.

Abel Pharmboy

Pam, we're only about 200 miles north of you and our Osmanthus just bloomed as well. invested in a 3-footer 2 years ago and it's almost 5 feet now. Agreed that there is nothing like that lovely fragrance. I'll bet Charleston is spectacular this time of year.


A.P.: Welcome! Yes, Charleston's not too bad this time of year (it's my favorite time here) - I'm glad that your Osmanthus is blooming (they only get bigger and better!).

William Newton

Does anyone know how or if you can force a sweet olive to bloom. It would be nice to have the fragrence a lot longer.

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