I open the door; the two big dogs run outside. Haiku tries to run outside but I catch her.
I listen for the Ancient Wonder Beagle (she's almost 17) - she doesn't hear so well, it's the vibration of the floor that now wakes her. I carry her down the front steps.
By the time I'm down the stairs with the AWB, the two big dogs are up on the deck, waiting to be fed. They wait (patiently) while the AWB does what the AWB usually does - whatever she wants.
I follow the AWB back up the stairs, she still negotiates them herself and if I reach down to pick her up she only goes up the stairs more quickly. She's stubborn.
The AWB and I go inside and I fill two bowls with food - Hills Senior for (Dog)Wood, Hills Lamb & Rice for Stanley. I put some food in a cup with water and place it into the microwave for 1.5 minutes. The AWB is an old girl; I soften her food now. It needs to cool.
I take the bowls outside. Wood enhales her food within a minute or two. Stanley really hasn't even started yet. Wood lays down beside Stanley while he eats, inching closer and closer. Finally Wood inches too close and Stanley growls. Wood retreats.
I go inside and feed the AWB.
It's good to be home.
And so are these two also going to be living in that Airstream?
Posted by: bellascribe | 07 July 2006 at 02:36 AM
Yes! But this is their only ritual: one little growl, done. Other than that moment, they're rolling around on the ground or chasing each other. Plus, the three-legged cat controls both of them anyway. Plus, the Airstream will be sitting on an acre of land. We're good.
Posted by: Pam | 07 July 2006 at 07:51 AM
Two Dogs and an Airstream. Sounds like a Disney movie.
Posted by: TJ | 07 July 2006 at 01:31 PM